Three Rondavels, Blyde River Canyon
Ndbele women
Shangaan village
giraffes in the Kruger Park



Known with the name of "South African Switzerland", the region of Mpumalanga, whose name means "place where the sun rises", is surely one of the most beautiful zones in South Africa. It is necessary to spend at least two days in order to discover the the wonderful places: rivers, forests, mountains, lakes, canyons and ancient villages where the time seems to be stopped. It is impossible not to be fascinated by the imposing majesty of the Blyde River Canyon, almost 30 Km. long, the third one in the world fot its dimensions, or by the beauty of the panoramic views like The Three Rondavels, God's Window or the Pinnacle. Unforgettable will be a stop at the mining village of Pigrim's Rest, sprung up in 1873, during the Gold Rush; this place attracted hordes of gold diggers, and nowadays it is a living museum and national monument.
The region of Mpumalanga is also very important because it represents the real "entrance gate" of the famous Kruger Park.

Kruger National Park

It is the main park in South Africa, and it covers a surface of 20.000 sq. Km. of savana and bush, in the region of Mpumalanga, along the border with Mozambique. It was created in 1898 according to the will of the president, Paul Kruger, last president of the Boer Republic that stated: " If we don't close now this small part of Lowveld, our nephews will never know what a lion looks like, or a kudu or an antelope"; and was open to the public in 1927.
The Park extends for 400 Km. from north to south with a width between 50 to 70 Km. The landscape is the tipical african bush and in its territory can be counted 147 species of mammals, 114 of reptiles, 300 floral species and more than 500 species of birds. It is also famous for its "Big Five", the 5 big african mammals: lions, rhinos, elephants, buffalos and leopards.
The Kruger Park has the highest concentration of mammals in the world, including 8.000 elephants, 2.500 white rhinos, 300 black rhinos, 20.000 buffalos, 2.000 lions, 900 leopards, 250 cheetah, 4.600 giraffes, 13.000 gnus, 140.000 impalas, 900 black antelopes and 30.000 zebras. The best period to observe the animals is winter time, from may till november, when the vegetation is low and bare. The park can be visited individually driving the car along the main tracks, asphalted or packed earth, or taking part to the safaris organised on board of closed minibus or open vehicles. The gates of Kruger Park normally open at dawn and close at sunset; for that time all visitors must have reached their own Rest Camp or must get out. Inside the park it is possible to overnight in "Rest Camps" with simple and essential accomodations.

cottages in Makalali
swimming pool in camp 3
lion cubs in the park
elephant in the park


It is located not far from Timbavati, in the central part of the park, and even if it does not offer the Big Five, it is populated by many wonderful animal species: rhinos, elephants, lions, impalas, kudus, zebras, giraffes, cheetah, baboons, crocodiles, ippopotamus, etc..The village is 15 Km. far away from the main road, and turists are taken to the camps by jeeps. Makalali is a private reserve with a different spirit from each other and with a character that makes it truly unique. It is characterized by 4 different camps, 3 can be reached walking; each one formed by 6 cottages on wooden palafittes where straw and wood, stone and iron are combined and create shapes that can rimind fairy landscapes inhabited by witches and elves. The wide bedroom with a charming outside lounge with big pillows and curtains, ideal to relax during the cool summer evenings, shelters also the bathroom separated by a colourful wall in stone and iron. Every cottage has also an outside shower completely closed: looking up to the trees the only audience are vervets...