This section contains the links to the digital images of my
diplomas & certificates


Languages High School

High School for Interpreters & Translators



Arabic language

Hebrew language

Portuguese language

Internet course


HTML and elements of development

JAVA Script

Photoshop 6

Flash 5

Certification WEB DESIGNER

Certificate of attendance
Restaurant Manager

Self-control of food hygiene
in the H.A.C.C.P. system


Certificate STCW

Certificate A-VI

Certificate Law 271/99

101 - The 21st century manager

102 - Performance Management

103 - Communication

104 - Training and coaching

105 - Diversity Management

107 - Teambuilding

TTT - Level 1, Mentor Course

Carnival Code Business Conduct and Ethics

Proficiency Certificate 2013

BST 2012
- Sopravvivenza e salvataggio in mare
- Sicurezza personale e responsabilità sociali
- Antincendio base
- Primo soccorso elementare

Allegato 9

Certificate DNV-GL

Statement of ashore refresher basic training, 02-2017

Demonstration of competence to undertake the tasks , duties and resposibilities of Code Section A/VI/2-1 , 02-2017

COVIS 2017 & Certificate of all vaccinations

Certificate Crowd & Crisis

Certificate Security Awareness

REFRESH, 11-2021 (Forsea Academy, Ravenna)

Personal survival techniques training

Fire prevention and fire fighting training

Crowd Management, 06-2023

Allegato II, 06-2023